Forward Planning
Editor's Note
Hello from London!
The British news feed is dominated by the longest queue in the world, with commentary on the reign of the Queen, while monitoring the state of play of the British Monarchy. I'm more interested in what will happen going forward. Supposedly, Nostradamus believes KC3 will abdicate in a couple of years. Who knows? What we can do is look forward.
We all plan for the future in various guises. From annual planning that you might do for work to planning what you might eat for dinner. But when it comes to predicting, the landscape is complex. How do you deal with the changes that happen in the world - from the macroeconomic climate to the unforeseen?
Planning ahead is big business - from finance to insurance to any industry that's looking to remain in business. But predictions are always uncertain and history doesn't repeat itself. People still put faith in them. The same is true of people despite their personality type. One INTJ is not the same as another. And even if you share DNA, it can only be 50% the same.
So, in this world, we need to make assumptions and experiment based on what we think we know in an uncertain world, in order to make mistakes and learn. So, when we do look at scenarios and scenario planning, we must acknowledge the uncertainty of the future, while still looking ahead.
But we do need to be accepting of the uncertainty or we won't ever take on the massive projects which are higher risk. We can put technology tools in place to help manage risk, and develop scenarios. But AI tools are only as good as the data that you put into them. So unless you are Marty McFly or Nostradamus, we can never be certain. Technology will help rule in and rule out - but it will never be the ultimate prediction tool.
Stay Curious,
Onward! - Rahim
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End Note
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