The Musicverse
Editor's Note
Hello from London!
One of the questions I get from y'all is what I read to decide what to recommend. I won't labour you with my workflow again, but I will tell you that there are a bunch of other quality newsletters that I do read to keep me in the know. And I am super excited that one of them has decided to sponsor today's newsletter. If you don't know of Morning Brew you should. It's read by 4m people every day. And it's free. It's informative, witty, and everything and gives you the low down on the world at a time when we just don't have a minute to spare. Sign up. A no-brainer!
This week, I wanted to draw your attention to the two sides of the coin when it comes to the metaverse. One the one hand, this new paradigm shows much promise - but on the other hand, we are right at the beginning. This stage of technology adoption has many naysayers - and granted, I don't think we actually will just amble around this virtual space for the sake of it, but if we find use cases that enable value in life and commerce, we will start to see the paradigm shift.
To quote from one Alan Cross piece below:
no one is building a capital-M-one-size-fits-all Metaverse akin to what we saw with The Oasis in the book Ready Player One. A better way to think of what’s coming is many, many different metaverses that offer 3-D interactivity within many different artists in many different ways.
I see much promise in the musicverse, which will allow virtual concerts, immersive experiences, digital tokens to real and metaverse gigs. And in actuality, I can see someone doing that today. Put on some 3d gogs and headphones, and you could quite easily be there, experiencing front-row seats, the latest Cirque du Soleil or a live Lakers game. It's all possible, but we're not quite there yet. It will happen, but I think we need a champion industry. My bet is music.
Stay Curious,
Onward! - Rahim
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I just want to play the tunes.
A friendship expert shares strategies for finding connection in a lonely, disconnected world.
End Note
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